Demand Calendar Blog by Anders Johansson

When Dates Matter: A CEO’s Guide to Calendar-Centric Hotel Analytics

Written by Anders Johansson | 16 November 2023
Understanding revenue patterns is crucial for effective management and strategic planning. However, a common challenge arises from the disconnect between the industry's inherent weekly business cycle and the standard practice of monthly reporting. This misalignment can lead to significant misinterpretations of performance data, impacting decision-making.

Navigating the Complexities of Hotel Reporting

As a seasoned CEO in the hotel industry with years of experience, I've navigated the challenges of reporting and data analysis in hotel businesses. Looking back, the journey has been enlightening, filled with learning curves and insights that have profoundly shaped my understanding of how we, as hoteliers, interpret and utilize data. Over the years, one of the most persistent challenges I've encountered has been the accuracy and relevancy of reporting. While useful for a broad financial overview, the traditional monthly reporting system often masks the intricate subtleties of our industry's unique weekly business patterns. This disconnection between what the reports show and the on-ground reality has been a source of much contemplation and, admittedly, frustration.
Like many others, when I began my journey in this industry, I relied heavily on raw monthly figures to gauge performance. However, time and experience have taught me that these figures can be misleading without context and analysis. The fluctuating number of weekends in a month, seasonal variations, local events, and even global occurrences like economic shifts or pandemics can significantly skew these numbers, leading to misinterpretations if not carefully analyzed.
In this blog post, I aim to share the insights and best practices that have guided me through these challenges. By sharing my experiences and the lessons learned, I can help fellow hoteliers and industry professionals navigate these common reporting challenges more effectively. The search for accurate and meaningful data interpretation led me to start Demand Calendar, the hotel management platform for hotel group CEOs. At the end of the blog post, I will mention how we manage the complexities and comparisons to come closer to the truth. Let's start by looking into specific hotel data analysis problems and how these can be avoided.

Weekly Business Patterns vs. Monthly Reporting in the Hotel Industry

Understanding revenue patterns is crucial for effective management and strategic planning. The rhythm of the hotel business is closely tied to days, weeks, holidays, and seasons, each bringing its own set of opportunities and challenges. However, a common challenge arises from the disconnect between the industry's inherent weekly business cycle, deeply influenced by the calendar and the standard practice of monthly reporting. The difference between the natural cycle of hotel operations, based on the calendar, and the structured monthly reporting can cause significant misunderstandings of performance data. These misunderstandings not only obscure the actual performance of a hotel but also affect key decision-making processes, where understanding the timing is essential.

The Nature of Weekly Fluctuations

Hotels typically experience notable fluctuations in demand and revenue by the day of the week. These variations are driven by various factors, including business travel trends, which often peak mid-week, and leisure travel, which usually spikes on weekends.

Discrepancy with Monthly Reporting

Despite this weekly rhythm, the industry standard leans towards monthly reporting. While convenient for broader financial overviews, this method overlooks the nuances of weekly cycles. The crux of the issue lies in the non-alignment of weeks and months. A month might encompass four or five weekends, and the distribution of specific weekdays across months varies yearly.

The Impact on Comparisons

This misalignment leads to challenges in accurate month-to-month or year-to-year comparisons. For instance, consider the impact of Saturdays, peak revenue days for many hotels. A month with five Saturdays will naturally show higher revenue than a month in the previous year with only four Saturdays. If this disparity is not accounted for, it could lead to a skewed perception of performance.

The Risks of Misinterpretation

Failing to recognize this discrepancy can lead to erroneous conclusions about a hotel's performance. An apparent increase in monthly revenue might be attributed to improved operations or marketing strategies when it is merely a result of calendar variations. Conversely, a decrease might not be a sign of underperformance but a simple shift in the calendar.
To draw accurate conclusions, hoteliers must consider these weekly patterns when analyzing monthly reports. Adjusting for the number of specific weekdays in each month or analyzing and comparing 4-week- or 5-week periods can provide a more realistic picture of performance. Acknowledging the inherent differences in weekly and monthly cycles is a step towards more informed, data-driven decision-making in the hotel industry.

Seasonal Variations in the Hotel Industry

Seasonal fluctuations, while somewhat predictable, can often lead to misleading conclusions if not carefully analyzed in the context of year-over-year comparisons. Different months invariably experience varying levels of business due to a blend of holidays and seasonal changes.

The Challenge with Moving Holidays and Event Shifts

A notable challenge arises with holidays and events that do not have fixed dates. For example, Easter can fall in March or April, impacting the business differently each year. Similarly, annual events or conferences might shift their dates, either advancing or delaying their impact on a particular month's performance. This variability can make year-over-year comparisons for the same month misleading.

The Risk of Misleading Comparisons

When comparing a hotel's performance in a specific month across different years, failing to account for these seasonal variations can result in inaccurate assessments. For instance, a hotel might appear to underperform in a particular month compared to the previous year, not due to a decline in service quality or operational efficiency, but simply because a moving holiday shifted or a major annual event was rescheduled to a different month.
For hoteliers, it's imperative to contextualize monthly performance within the broader picture of seasonal variations, moving holidays, and shifting event dates. Recognizing these factors ensures a more accurate and fair assessment of a hotel's year-over-year performance. It highlights the importance of relying on raw data and understanding the story behind the numbers, ensuring decisions and strategies are based on a comprehensive understanding of all influencing factors.

Impact of External Events on the Hotel Industry

External events can significantly impact monthly figures, making comparisons with previous years challenging and sometimes misleading. Understanding these impacts is crucial for a realistic assessment of a hotel's performance.

The Broad Spectrum of External Events

  1. Global Events: Perhaps the most striking example in recent times is the impact of a pandemic. It dramatically altered travel patterns worldwide, leading to unprecedented hotel occupancy and revenue fluctuations. These were fundamental changes, but global events can have a long-lasting impact, making year-over-year comparisons for specific periods particularly complex. Hotels started to compare with pre-pandemic figures to better understand the actual performance.
  2. Local Festivals and Events: Local festivals or significant events can significantly boost demand for hotels in a specific area. The timing or scale of these events can vary from year to year or are once-in-a-lifetime events, influencing the monthly performance. For instance, if a major annual festival is moved to a different month, it can substantially change year-over-year figures for those specific months.
  3. Economic Changes: Economic fluctuations, both local and global, are natural and should show up in reporting as increases or decreases in performance. An economic downturn tends to reduce business travel and tourism, impacting hotel revenues. Conversely, an upturn can have the opposite effect.

Fundamental Changes vs. Performance Misinterpretation

Hoteliers can usually identify the reasons behind the variations in performance due to events and changes in the economy. It is important to note that these differences would also be evident in weekly reports. The challenge is not just in recognizing these changes but in understanding their impact over different time frames.

The Need for Contextual Analysis

Hoteliers need to conduct a contextual analysis of their performance metrics. By considering the impact of external events, hotel operators can gain a more nuanced understanding of their business's performance. This approach helps avoid the pitfalls of concluding based solely on raw data without considering the broader context.

Analytical Challenges in Comparing Monthly Figures in the Hotel Industry

Understanding analytical challenges is crucial for hoteliers to draw accurate insights from their data.

Varying Number of Weekends

  1. Weekend Distribution: One of the most significant factors affecting hotel occupancy and revenue is the number of weekends in a month. Since weekends typically attract more guests, months with more weekends (e.g., those with five Saturdays) can show artificially inflated performance compared to those with fewer. This variation can skew year-over-year comparisons, as the number of weekends in the same month can differ yearly.
  2. Weekend Positioning: The positioning of weekends within the month also matters. For instance, a month where weekends are aligned with holidays or significant events can see a different occupancy pattern than a month where this alignment does not occur.

Impact of Special Events

  1. Event Timing and Scale: Special events such as conferences, concerts, or sports events can lead to spikes in demand. The timing and scale of these events can vary annually, making month-to-month comparisons challenging. A significant event in one year that does not recur in the next can create the illusion of a performance dip when, in reality, it's a return to a regular pattern.
  2. Unpredictable Scheduling: Some events, especially those not fixed to specific dates, can shift from one month to another between years, further complicating comparisons.

Shifts in Local Tourism Trends

Shifts in travel to a destination should show up as a positive or negative impact on the hotel business performance. Preferably, these shifts should already show up in on-the-books and a change in pick-up.
  1. Changing Tourist Preferences: Trends in tourism can shift due to various factors, including marketing campaigns, changes in travel connectivity, or evolving tourist preferences. These shifts can influence the monthly performance of hotels, with certain months unexpectedly outperforming others.
  2. Local and Global Influences: Both local developments (like new attractions or improved infrastructure) and global trends (like emerging travel destinations) can impact where and when people travel, affecting hotel occupancy and revenue patterns.

Best Practices for Accurate Analysis in the Hotel Industry

Accurate data analysis is vital in the hotel industry for making informed decisions and developing effective strategies. Given the complexity of factors affecting hotel performance, here are some best practices that can lead to more precise and meaningful analysis.

Utilizing Rolling Averages

Rolling averages is a good idea for long-term trends, but it is too sluggish, and changes will be complicated to spot and understand. If used, pay attention to this:
  1. Smoothing Out Variations: Rolling averages, calculated over a consistent period (like a rolling 12-month period), help smooth out short-term fluctuations and provide a clearer picture of long-term trends. This approach mitigates the impact of one-off events or atypical months, offering a more stable view of performance.
  2. Consistent Time Frames: Using the same time for rolling averages each year ensures consistency in comparisons and helps identify genuine trends and deviations.

Adjusting for Seasonality

Hoteliers need an easy-to-use reporting tool, for example, to compare Easter to Easter, to better understand performance instead of making an excuse for the variances in the monthly reporting.
  1. Seasonal Adjustment Techniques: Recognize and adjust for seasonal patterns in the data. This can be done by comparing the current performance against the same season in previous years.
  2. Benchmarking Against Industry Standards: Comparing your data with industry benchmarks can provide context, especially when assessing the impact of seasonality. It is equally important to compare benchmarking data between the same number of weekends and seasons, such as comparing Easter to Easter. This helps understand whether observed patterns are unique to your property or part of broader industry trends.

Incorporating Qualitative Data

  1. Beyond Numbers: Quantitative data tells only part of the story. Incorporate qualitative data such as guest feedback, staff insights, or market analysis to fully understand performance and underlying factors.
  2. Understanding the 'Why': Qualitative data helps understand the reasons behind the numbers. For example, a decline in occupancy might be due to changes in guest preferences or local competition, insights that purely numerical data might not reveal.

Regularly Updating and Reviewing Data Sources

  1. Dynamic Data Review: Regularly update and review your data sources to ensure you work with the most current and relevant information.
  2. Diverse Data Sources: Utilize various data sources, including internal records, market research, and industry reports, to gain a comprehensive view of the industry landscape.

Leveraging Technology and Analytics Tools

  1. Advanced Analytics Software: Advanced data analytics tools can provide deeper insights, predictive analytics, and more sophisticated ways of understanding data patterns. However, many of these tools are too complex to use and become impractical for quick analysis.
  2. Training and Expertise: Invest in training for your team to effectively interpret reports and use analytical tools. Understanding the capabilities and limitations of your reports and analytical tools is critical to extracting valuable insights.

Technological Solutions in Hotel Industry Analytics

When designing and developing Demand Calendar, we focused on understanding the challenges the hotel industry faces in data analysis. We tailored all the essential features of modern data analytics specifically for the hotel industry. Our tool offers comprehensive solutions for accurate comparisons and predictions, addressing the various challenges hoteliers face. Let me explain how Demand Calendar tackles the technology and analytical challenges.

Integration with Existing Systems

  1. Seamless Integration: Demand Calendar is integrated with existing hotel management systems, like property management systems (PMS), customer relationship management (CRM) systems, and point of sale (POS) systems. The integrations automate the data collection to provide a holistic view of the hotel's operations and guest interactions.
  2. Efficient Data Management: With Demand Calendar, hotels can manage their data more effectively, making it easier to access, analyze, and derive actionable insights. In addition, the user can easily add comments and context in Demand Calendar to give meaning to the figures and better insights to top management and hotel teams.

Advanced Data Analytics

  1. Insightful Analytics: Demand Calendar provides pre-set periods like weeks, months, 4-week periods, and a date picker to quickly compare moving holidays and seasonal fluctuations. Insights are readily available and closer to the truth than just keeping the standardized monthly reporting.
  2. Cross-check variables: Demand Calendar analyzes vast datasets to identify patterns and correlations that might not be obvious through traditional analysis methods. This can include guest behavior, spending habits, or market trends.

Customizable Reporting and Integration

  1. Automated Reporting Tools: The platform offers automated reporting, streamlining the data analysis process, saving time, and reducing the risk of human error.
  2. Customized Reporting: Unlike many standard software packages, the reports in Demand Calendar are already customized for the hotel industry. In addition, the user can quickly drill down into details to better understand the performance.
  3. Real-Time Data Analysis: Demand Calendar offers real-time data analysis as an integrated solution, giving hoteliers immediate insights into their operations. This can be crucial for making quick, informed decisions, especially in a fast-paced industry like hospitality.
Demand Calendar is a one-stop solution for the hotel industry's data analytics needs. By leveraging Demand Calendar, hotels can make more accurate comparisons and forecasts and better understand their operations, market, and guests, leading to more informed decision-making and enhanced business performance.

Takeaways and Conclusion

The hotel industry requires a nuanced approach to data analysis. Our exploration's key takeaway is the importance of context and careful analysis to avoid being misled by raw monthly figures. Here's a summary of the critical points and their implications:

Understanding the Nuances of Data

  1. Weekly vs. Monthly Reporting: The industry's weekly business patterns often clash with the standard monthly reporting system. This discrepancy can lead to misinterpretations, especially if the number of weekends or the positioning of specific days varies significantly month-to-month or year-over-year.
  2. Seasonal Variations and External Events: The impact of seasonal changes, holidays, local events, and external factors like economic shifts or global crises can drastically affect monthly figures. Ignoring these elements can result in misleading comparisons and assessments.
  3. Analytical Challenges: Analyzing hotel performance data is fraught with challenges, including variations in the number of weekends, the timing of events, and shifts in local tourism trends. Understanding these factors is crucial for accurate analysis.

Implementing Best Practices

  1. Incorporating Qualitative Data: Combining quantitative metrics with qualitative insights offers a fuller understanding of performance drivers.
  2. Regular Updates and Diverse Data Sources: Staying current with data and drawing from various sources is essential for a comprehensive view of the industry landscape.

Leveraging Technology

  1. Modern Data Analytics Tools: Tools like Demand Calendar offer advanced analytics, easily accessible insights, customized reporting, and efficient data management.
  2. Integration and Automation: Integrating these tools with existing systems and utilizing their automated reporting features can significantly enhance data accuracy and operational efficiency.


In conclusion, the key to successful data analysis in the hotel industry lies in carefully considering various factors influencing performance. It's not just about what the numbers say but understanding why they say it. By embracing a holistic approach that combines contextual understanding, best analytical practices, and advanced technological tools, hoteliers can navigate the complexities of data, making informed decisions that drive success and growth. This comprehensive approach ensures that decisions are based on a realistic and thorough understanding of the business, its environment, and the market in which it operates.