Demand Calendar Blog by Anders Johansson

Reimagining Hotel Management: How Technology Drives Profits

Written by Anders Johansson | 23 May 2023
The major challenge for hoteliers during the recovery from the pandemic is to find talents or, instead, any people willing to work in hotels. There are many reasons for this, but one solution is to upgrade the technology to make work easier for team members to cope with the workload. Automation, well-designed and productive processes, and moving some work from employees to guests are easy solutions to deliver a high service level and an excellent experience. On top of that, hotels can use technology to drive profitability. Here is how.

Technology drives profitability

Profit-oriented top-line revenue management in the hospitality industry refers to strategically leveraging technology to maximize profitability rather than just focusing on sales or occupancy. Here are some benefits of employing such technologies.
  1. Dynamic Pricing: Revenue management software can help implement dynamic pricing, which adjusts room rates in real-time based on demand, time of year, and other factors. This helps maximize revenue during peak times and ensures higher occupancy during off-peak times, leading to greater profitability.
  2. Market Intelligence: Advanced systems provide real-time market intelligence, enabling hotels to understand competitor pricing, market demand, and local events. This information can help hotels position their pricing strategy more profitably.
  3. Predictive Analytics: By analyzing historical data and market trends, these technologies can forecast demand with higher accuracy. This helps in strategic planning, such as defining pricing strategy, managing inventory, and planning for staffing and other resources.
  4. Data-driven Decisions: Data analytics provide actionable insights about guests' behaviors and preferences, which can be used to customize services and promotions, leading to increased customer satisfaction and repeat business.
  5. Increased Direct Bookings: Technologies that improve a hotel's website design, online booking system, and SEO can increase direct bookings. This reduces dependency on OTAs (Online Travel Agencies), which charge significant commissions, thus increasing net revenue.
  6. Upselling and Cross-Selling: Sophisticated systems can analyze guest profiles and preferences to suggest additional services they might be interested in, such as room upgrades, spa services, or dining options, leading to increased per-guest revenue.
  7. Improved Operational Efficiency: Automating and integrating hotel management systems can streamline operations and reduce costs, contributing to bottom-line profitability.
To sum it up, implementing profit-oriented top-line revenue management technology enables hotels to make informed decisions based on data, which leads to optimized revenue and higher profitability. It also helps hotels understand customer behavior, improves pricing strategies, increases efficiency, and ultimately results in more successful and profitable operations.

Many good excuses for doing nothing

Hoteliers are experts in finding excuses for not investing, implementing, and changing how things are done, even if the benefits are clear for both guests and hoteliers. Here are a few excuses you can use if you do not want to implement technology to help the hotel maintain a high service level and a good reputation as an employer. While there are clear benefits to implementing revenue management technology and other advanced systems, here are several reasons why not all hotels may choose to, or be able to, adopt these technologies:
  1. Cost: The initial cost of implementing such systems can be high. Small hotels or those with tight budgets may not have the upfront capital needed to invest in advanced technologies.
  2. Technical Expertise: Implementing new technologies requires a certain level of technological know-how. Hotels may need to hire or train staff to manage these systems, which can be costly and time-consuming.
  3. Resistance to Change: Like any industry, some people in the hospitality field may be resistant to change. This is especially true in more traditional hotels or regions where high-tech solutions are less common.
  4. Integration Issues: Some hotels may already have existing systems, and integrating new technologies with existing ones can be challenging. There may be compatibility issues or data migration challenges.
  5. Data Security Concerns: With increasing cyber threats, hotels may be concerned about their data security. Breaches can lead to significant reputational damage and financial losses.
  6. Uncertain Return on Investment (ROI): While these systems can undoubtedly increase profitability, seeing the return on investment may take some time. Some hoteliers may be unsure about the value these systems can bring and be hesitant to invest.
Despite these challenges, the trend is increasing toward greater technology adoption in the hospitality industry. As solutions become more affordable and user-friendly, and as the clear benefits in terms of efficiency and profitability become more widely recognized, more and more hotels will likely begin to implement these systems.

The no decision

Things change slowly for hoteliers, so slowly, it is tough to see things change. Today, everything is the same as yesterday. There is no need to change since the team solved every problem today successfully. Guests were happy, and team members managed the workload. Therefore, from a short-term perspective, there is never any need to change. The best decision is to make no decision. However, hoteliers that look into the future realize that they will have to change to stay relevant in attracting guests and succeed in being financially sustainable. Ask yourself: Why are things the way they are? Because someone changed the way things used to be. Are you going to be the one that changed how things used to be?