Demand Calendar Blog by Anders Johansson

Discussing How to Maximize Hotel Profits: Two Strategic Approaches

Written by Anders Johansson | 09 January 2024
Two primary approaches offer distinct pathways for hotels to thrive. The first, "Go With the Flow," is a strategy that captures the general demand. This approach does not focus narrowly on specific guest segments but instead casts a wide net, aiming to attract a diverse range of guests. It's a flexible strategy designed to tap into the broadest market possible. This approach often appeals to hotels that aim to maintain agility in fluctuating market conditions and diverse customer preferences.
Conversely, the "Targeted Approach" represents a more focused strategy. This method involves identifying and catering to specific guest segments that align closely with the hotel’s unique offerings and values. It's a strategy that seeks to create a tailored experience for guests, fostering deeper connections and brand loyalty. This approach is particularly suitable for hotels with distinct characteristics or niche offerings, aiming to attract guests willing to pay a premium for specialized services and experiences.
Both strategies have distinct advantages and challenges, shaping how a hotel interacts with its market and defines its service offerings. The choice between these approaches is not one-size-fits-all; it requires a deep understanding of a hotel's unique position, market conditions, and operational capabilities. In this exploration, we delve into the nuances of each strategy, examining their benefits, potential pitfalls, and the contexts in which they thrive. Our goal is to provide hoteliers with a comprehensive understanding of these strategies, enabling them to make informed decisions that steer their establishments toward sustainable profitability and success.

Go With the Flow: Capturing General Demand

Overview of the Approach

The 'Go With the Flow' strategy is predicated on capturing the existing and general demand for overnight stays without heavily emphasizing guest segmentation. This approach is characterized by its broad appeal, aiming to attract a wide array of guests by offering a generalized hospitality experience that caters to the masses. The primary focus here is on volume–filling rooms by appealing to the most extensive possible customer base.

Situations Where This Strategy is Most Effective

This strategy strengthens when the market is large and diverse and the demand for lodging is consistent and robust. It's particularly effective in tourist-heavy destinations, urban centers with a steady influx of business travelers, or areas hosting regular events that draw large crowds. Hotels in these areas can benefit from the high general traffic volume, capitalizing on the sheer number of potential guests.


Broad Market Appeal

This strategy's main advantage lies in attracting a diverse clientele. By not focusing on a specific market segment, hotels can appeal to a wide range of guests, from business travelers and families to casual tourists. This universality ensures a steady stream of guests, regardless of seasonal trends or specific events.


Hotels adopting this approach can quickly adapt to market changes. Since their services are not tailored to a specific niche, they can easily adjust to a broad customer base's changing needs and preferences. This flexibility is crucial in responding to economic fluctuations, emerging market trends, or shifts in consumer behavior.

Simplicity in Marketing

Marketing strategies under this approach tend to be less complex and more straightforward. Generalized marketing techniques, such as broad online campaigns, traditional media advertising, and partnerships with travel agencies, can reach a broad audience with minimal customization.


Lower Average Spending

While this strategy may lead to higher occupancy rates, it often results in lower average spending per guest. Case studies have shown that guests attracted by general appeal tend to utilize fewer hotel amenities and services, impacting overall revenue. This trend is particularly evident compared to more targeted strategies where guests are willing to pay for specialized experiences.

Higher Competition

Competing in a general market means facing many competitors, including other hotels with similar offerings. This scenario can lead to price wars and a race to the bottom regarding rates, eroding profit margins and making it challenging to stand out.

Less Guest Loyalty

Studies have indicated that generic services often result in lower guest loyalty. Without distinct experiences or personalized services, guests are less likely to develop a strong connection with the brand, leading to lower repeat business rates. This lack of loyalty can be a disadvantage in a market with plentiful options.
In summary, while the 'Go With the Flow' strategy offers advantages in terms of market reach and operational flexibility, it also comes with challenges, including lower per-guest revenue, intense competition, and challenges in building guest loyalty. Understanding these dynamics is crucial for hoteliers considering this approach in their business model.

Targeted Approach: Focusing on High-Spend Fit

Overview of the Approach

The 'Targeted Approach' in hotel marketing and management focuses on identifying and catering to specific guest segments that are most likely to appreciate and pay for the unique offerings of a hotel. This strategy involves a deep understanding of the hotel's strengths and the creation of tailored experiences that resonate with a well-defined, often high-spending, customer base. Unlike the broader 'Go With the Flow' method, this approach is about depth rather than width, seeking to build strong connections with a specific group of clients.

Defining Targeted Marketing in the Hotel Industry

In the context of the hotel industry, targeted marketing means using data analysis and market research to identify key demographics that are best aligned with the hotel's services and ambiance. Depending on the hotel's unique offerings, this could include luxury travelers, business executives, adventure tourists, or couples looking for romantic getaways.

Ideal Conditions for This Strategy

The targeted approach is most effective when the hotel has distinctive features or specialized services that set it apart from general market offerings. This could be a unique location, luxury amenities, themed experiences, or exceptional service standards. Hotels with a clear brand identity and the capability to offer personalized experiences thrive under this strategy.


Higher Revenue Per Guest

Targeting specific segments often leads to increased spending per guest. Examples include luxury hotels offering exclusive spa services or boutique hotels with unique cultural experiences, leading to guests indulging in more on-site services and amenities.

Brand Loyalty

Case studies have shown that personalized experiences foster greater brand loyalty. Hotels that tailor their services to meet guests' needs and preferences create memorable experiences, encouraging repeat visits and positive word-of-mouth referrals.

Efficient Use of Resources

By focusing marketing efforts and operational resources on a specific segment, hotels can achieve greater efficiency. Resources are allocated more effectively when directed toward well-defined guest profiles, leading to a higher return on investment.


Narrower Market Segment

A significant risk of this approach is the potential of missing out on broader market trends. By focusing too narrowly, hotels may overlook opportunities in other segments, potentially limiting their market reach and resilience in fluctuating market conditions.

Complex Marketing

Implementing sophisticated marketing strategies to target specific segments can be challenging. It requires an in-depth understanding of customer behavior and preferences and effective use of data analytics, which can be resource-intensive and complex to manage.

Risk of Exclusion

By focusing on a specific demographic, there's a potential risk of alienating other guests who do not fit the target profile. This can lead to perceptions of exclusivity or lack of inclusiveness, which could impact the hotel's reputation in some markets.
The 'Targeted Approach' strategy is about leveraging a hotel's unique qualities to create bespoke experiences that attract and retain high-value guests. While it offers the potential for higher revenue per guest and stronger brand loyalty, it also demands a careful balance to avoid the pitfalls of market myopia and operational complexity. Understanding these dynamics is critical for hoteliers considering this approach in their competitive strategy.

Evaluating Success for Profit Maximization

Determining the best strategy for maximizing hotel profits requires carefully evaluating various factors, including the hotel's market position, operational capabilities, competitive landscape, and risk tolerance. Each hotel's unique context will dictate which strategy – 'Go With the Flow' or 'Targeted Approach' – is more likely to lead to success.

Market Position and Hotel Offerings

    • For instance, a luxury resort in a secluded location might succeed more with a targeted approach, offering exclusive experiences to a specific, high-spending clientele. Conversely, a budget hotel in a bustling city center might benefit more from the 'Go With the Flow' strategy, attracting a wide range of guests due to its location and affordability.
    • Using a targeted approach, a boutique hotel specializing in wellness retreats may increase occupancy with high-spend guests seeking specialized experiences, significantly boosting profits.

Operational Capabilities and Resources

    • Hotels with limited marketing budgets and resources might lean towards the 'Go With the Flow' strategy due to its simpler marketing demands and broader appeal.
    • In contrast, hotels with more resources and sophisticated operational capabilities can effectively implement a targeted strategy, using data analytics and personalized marketing to attract and retain a specific guest segment.

Competitive Landscape

    • Differentiating through a targeted approach could be more effective in a highly competitive market with many similar hotels. This strategy can help a hotel stand out by offering unique services or experiences.
    • However, capturing the general demand might be more advantageous and less risky in less saturated markets or areas with a diverse, transient population.

Risk Tolerance

    • While potentially less profitable per guest, the 'Go With the Flow' strategy spreads risk across a broader base. It's less susceptible to fluctuations in specific market segments.
    • The targeted approach, though potentially more profitable, involves higher risks. Focusing on a narrow guest segment can be risky if market trends shift or the targeted demographic’s preferences change.
Ultimately, the best strategy for a hotel depends on a careful assessment of these factors. A luxury boutique hotel with unique offerings and resources for targeted marketing might thrive with a focused approach. In contrast, a standard city hotel with limited differentiators might fare better with a general demand strategy. The key is to align the chosen strategy with the hotel's strengths, market position, and risk appetite to maximize profits effectively.


The quest for profit maximization in the hotel industry is a nuanced and multifaceted endeavor, requiring a strategic approach that aligns with a hotel's unique context and market dynamics. Through this exploration, we have delved into two primary strategies: 'Go With the Flow,' which focuses on capturing general demand, and the 'Targeted Approach,' which zeroes in on specific high-spend guest segments.

Key Takeaways

  1. Adaptability and Market Reach: The 'Go With the Flow' strategy is advantageous for its broad market appeal, operational flexibility, and simplicity in marketing. However, it often leads to lower average spending per guest, faces higher competition, and may result in less guest loyalty.
  2. Precision and Profitability: The 'Targeted Approach' offers the potential for higher revenue per guest and greater brand loyalty through personalized experiences. Yet, it demands a narrow focus, sophisticated marketing strategies, and risks excluding broader market segments.
  3. Contextual Application: The effectiveness of each strategy dramatically depends on the hotel's specific circumstances, including its market position, operational capabilities, competitive landscape, and risk tolerance.
As we conclude, it's crucial to highlight that there is no one-size-fits-all answer in selecting the right strategy for hotel profit maximization. Luxury and boutique hotels with unique offerings may succeed more with a targeted approach, capitalizing on their distinct features to attract a specific clientele. Conversely, mid-range or budget hotels in high-demand areas benefit more from a generalized strategy that appeals to a broader audience.
For hotel managers and decision-makers, the path forward involves conducting an in-depth analysis of their hotel's unique position, resources, and market environment. Understanding the specific needs and preferences of their potential guests, the competitive dynamics of their location, and their operational strengths and limitations is critical to formulating a strategy that maximizes profits and ensures long-term sustainability and growth.
Essentially, the journey toward profit maximization in the hotel industry is strategic, blending insights, foresight, and adaptability. It's about making informed decisions leveraging a hotel's unique strengths and market opportunities while navigating the complexities and ever-changing landscapes of the hospitality world.