Demand Calendar Blog by Anders Johansson

CEO's Guide: Elevating Hotel Profits with Goal-Focused Teams

Written by Anders Johansson | 04 January 2024
It's been more than a year since hotels started their journey towards creating a commercial team in the hotel industry. However, the transition from individual departments to a commercial team has been challenging for many. Despite the benefits of collaboration, most hotels continue to operate in silos. The main obstacle is the lack of comprehensive systems catering to each role's specific needs within a commercial team. This gap has hindered the seamless integration of sales, marketing, and revenue management functions, limiting collaborative work potential. Additionally, the absence of systems that support the commercial team has made CEOs hesitant to transform their existing organizations.

Convincing the Hotel CEO - Why a Commercial Team Surpasses Silos in Driving Profits

As a CEO in the hotel industry, I understand the hesitation and doubt that comes with considering a major organizational shift. Moving from a traditional siloed structure to a cohesive commercial team has challenges and risks. However, the evidence strongly suggests that the benefits far outweigh these concerns, especially in driving profits. Let’s explore why a commercial team is a superior model for maximizing profitability.

Enhanced Collaboration Leads to Greater Innovation and Efficiency

Firstly, integrated commercial teams foster an environment of enhanced collaboration, pooling the strengths and insights of sales, marketing, and revenue management. This synergy not only streamlines operations but also sparks innovation. When these diverse functions work closely together, they are more adept at identifying and capitalizing on revenue-generating opportunities, leading to increased profits.

Data-Driven Decisions for Optimized Revenue Management

In a siloed structure, data is often disjointed, leading to decisions that are not fully informed or aligned with the hotel's overall strategy. Integrated teams, supported by tools like Demand Calendar, have a comprehensive data view. This unified understanding enables more accurate forecasting, dynamic pricing strategies, and tailored marketing campaigns, which are crucial for maximizing revenue.

Reduced Internal Conflicts and Improved Employee Morale

Silos often lead to internal conflicts and misunderstandings as different departments pursue their goals independently. This not only hampers productivity but can also affect employee morale. A commercial team, in contrast, operates with aligned objectives, reducing friction and fostering a more positive work environment. Satisfied employees are more likely to be productive, innovative, and committed to the hotel’s success, directly impacting profitability.

Adaptability in a Dynamic Market

The hotel industry faces rapid changes in market dynamics, guest preferences, and competitive landscapes. Integrated commercial teams are better equipped to respond swiftly and effectively to these changes, ensuring the hotel remains competitive and profitable. Siloed departments often struggle to adapt quickly, as the lack of coordination can lead to delayed responses and missed opportunities.

Long-Term Sustainability and Growth

While transitioning to a commercial team model requires initial investment and effort, the long-term benefits are substantial. This model lays the foundation for sustainable growth, enabling hotels to continually adapt and thrive in an evolving industry. The increased profits realized from improved efficiency, innovation, and market responsiveness will more than compensate for the initial investment.

Substantial increases in profitability

As CEOs, our primary responsibility is to steer our hotels toward long-term profitability and success. While working in silos may seem like the safer option, it is the integrated commercial team model that genuinely unlocks the hotel's profit potential. The initial challenges and risks associated with this transition are far outweighed by the significant and sustainable increases in profitability that an integrated approach can deliver. Embracing this change is not just a strategic move; it’s an investment in the future of our hotels.

Bridging Theory and Practice: A Step-by-Step Approach

Having established the clear advantages of transitioning from siloed operations to a cohesive commercial team structure, especially in terms of profitability and long-term success, it is crucial to understand how this can be effectively implemented. This transition is not merely about organizational restructuring; it involves a holistic approach that encompasses setting strategic goals, nurturing a productive and collaborative environment, optimizing processes for efficiency, and skillfully navigating the complexities of organizational change.
  1. Setting Strategic Goals: The journey begins with setting clear, measurable goals aligning with our overarching hotel vision. These goals serve as the roadmap for our integrated commercial team, guiding their efforts and ensuring that every action taken is purposeful and aligned with our desired outcomes.
  2. Building a Productive Organization: The structure of our commercial team needs to reflect the collaborative spirit we aim to foster. This involves redefining roles, encouraging cross-functional training, and establishing a culture of mutual respect and collective accountability. We create an environment where innovation thrives, and all team members are invested in the hotel's success.
  3. Streamlining Processes for Enhanced Efficiency: With the help of tools like Demand Calendar, we can streamline our operations, making them more efficient and responsive to market dynamics. Automating routine tasks and utilizing data-driven insights saves time and empowers our team to make informed decisions that drive profitability.
  4. Managing Resistance to Change: Perhaps the most challenging aspect of this transition is overcoming the inherent resistance to change. As leaders, we must adopt a proactive approach, communicating the benefits of this shift, involving our team in the process, providing necessary training and support, and leading by example to inspire confidence and commitment to the new structure.
We can embark on a transformational journey by bridging the gap between the theoretical benefits of a commercial team and the practical steps needed to realize these benefits. This journey is not just about improving our bottom line; it’s about setting a new standard of excellence in hotel management: adaptable, efficient, and, most importantly, geared towards sustainable growth and success.
In the following sections, we will delve deeper into these steps, providing practical advice and insights to help guide your hotel through this transformative process.

The Importance of Goal Setting in Commercial Teams

As CEOs, one of our paramount responsibilities is ensuring that our teams are working efficiently and moving in unison toward our company’s overarching objectives. This becomes especially critical for commercial teams, where aligning sales, marketing, and revenue management is essential for sustainable growth and profitability.

Ensuring Alignment with Organizational Objectives

The significance of setting clear, measurable goals for commercial teams cannot be overstated. Goals are the vital link between individual efforts and the company's broader strategic objectives. Without these well-defined targets, even the most dedicated teams can be drifting away from what truly matters to the business. Our role as CEOs is to foster a culture where goal-setting is not just a routine exercise but a fundamental aspect of how teams operate and measure their success.

Driving Focus and Strategic Direction

From a leadership standpoint, instilling a goal-oriented mindset across the commercial teams is crucial for maintaining strategic focus. Goals provide a clear direction and help teams prioritize their efforts in areas that yield the highest return. This approach is particularly effective in minimizing resource wastage and enhancing productivity, as teams are not sidetracked by activities that do not align with the company’s goals.

Leveraging Tools like Demand Calendar for Goal Achievement

Tools like Demand Calendar are invaluable in assisting in this endeavor. For CEOs, the appeal of Demand Calendar lies in its ability to provide a unified platform for setting, monitoring, and achieving goals across various commercial functions. This tool facilitates the alignment of individual and departmental objectives with the overall strategic goals of the hotel.
Demand Calendar empowers commercial teams with data-driven insights, enabling them to set realistic and impactful goals. Moreover, it offers real-time tracking and analytics, which is crucial for monitoring progress and making informed decisions. As CEOs, having access to this level of oversight and insight is instrumental in ensuring that our teams are not just busy but productive and aligned with our vision for the company.
In summary, the practical setting and tracking of goals are pivotal in aligning the efforts of commercial teams with the company’s strategic objectives. As CEOs, our role extends beyond merely setting these goals; it involves creating an environment where goal achievement is part of the organizational DNA. Tools like Demand Calendar are vital allies in this mission, bridging the gap between strategy formulation and execution and steering our teams toward success.

Building a Productive Commercial Organization

Transforming siloed departments into an integrated commercial team is a strategic imperative for any hotel aiming for market leadership. As CEOs, our vision and leadership play a critical role in this transformation. The journey from isolated operations to a cohesive unit requires careful planning, execution, and a unified vision permeating every level of the organization.

Step 1: Establishing a Unified Vision

The first step in this transformation is articulating a clear, compelling vision for what the integrated commercial team will achieve. This vision should align with the hotel's broader strategic objectives and be communicated in a way that resonates with all team members. As leaders, we must ensure that this vision is understood and championed by every commercial team member. It’s about creating a shared sense of purpose and direction.

Step 2: Redefining Roles and Responsibilities

Once the vision is set, redefining roles and responsibilities becomes crucial. In an integrated team, the lines between sales, marketing, and revenue management blur, giving rise to more dynamic roles encompassing a broader spectrum of skills. This redefinition should encourage collaboration, foster a deeper understanding of each other's functions, and eliminate redundant or conflicting activities.

Step 3: Implementing Cross-Functional Training and Knowledge Sharing

To support these new roles, cross-functional training and knowledge sharing are essential. This involves creating opportunities for team members to learn about aspects of the business outside their traditional areas of expertise. As leaders, we must facilitate and encourage these learning experiences through formal training programs, mentorship, or collaborative projects. This enriches the team’s skill set and fosters a culture of continuous learning and mutual respect.

Step 4: Cultivating a Culture of Collaboration and Accountability

Building a productive commercial organization fosters a culture where collaboration is the norm and accountability is shared. It’s about moving away from a mindset of 'your department, your problem' to 'our team, our goal.' This cultural shift is pivotal and requires consistent reinforcement from the top.

Step 5: Leveraging Tools for Integration and Efficiency

Finally, leveraging tools like Demand Calendar is critical to this transformation. These tools facilitate the integration of different functions by providing a common platform for planning, executing, and tracking commercial activities. They enable better communication, coordinated efforts, and data-driven decision-making, ensuring the team operates as a cohesive unit aligned with the hotel’s overall objectives.
In conclusion, as CEOs, our role in building a productive commercial organization extends beyond mere structural changes. It’s about championing a vision, fostering a culture of collaboration and continuous learning, and providing the tools and resources needed for the team to succeed. The journey from siloed departments to an integrated commercial team is challenging and rewarding. Still, the right approach can lead to unparalleled success in the competitive hotel industry.

Streamlining Processes and Improving Efficiency

Streamlining processes and enhancing efficiency are pivotal to elevating our hotel's performance. As CEOs, we understand that efficiency isn’t just about doing things faster; it’s about doing the right things smarter. This is where a tool like Demand Calendar becomes instrumental. Its role in transforming our commercial team's operations is multifaceted and profound.

Streamlining Processes and Minimizing Manual Tasks

One of the primary advantages of Demand Calendar is its ability to significantly streamline processes and minimize the time our teams spend on manual tasks. In the traditional setup, much of our team's time is consumed in data collection, analysis, and report generation - tasks that, while necessary, can be immensely time-consuming and prone to human error.
Demand Calendar automates these processes, extracting and synthesizing data from various sources into a coherent, easily digestible format. This automation frees our team members to focus on more strategic tasks, such as interpreting the data and making informed decisions, rather than spending hours gathering it.

Providing Actionable Insights for Informed Decision-Making

As leaders, we value data for the sake of having information and the actionable insights it provides. Demand Calendar excels by aggregating and analyzing data to offer meaningful insights. These insights enable our teams to understand market trends, guest behaviors, and revenue opportunities more clearly, facilitating more intelligent decision-making that aligns with our strategic goals.

Enhancing Team Efficiency and Productivity

The introduction of Demand Calendar into our operations has a ripple effect on overall team efficiency and productivity. With streamlined processes, our teams can respond more quickly to market changes, adjust strategies, and focus on high-impact activities. The efficiency gained here is in terms of time saved and the actions' effectiveness.

Shared Platform for Performance Tracking

Another significant benefit of Demand Calendar is its role as a shared hotel management platform for tracking performance. In a commercial team where alignment is critical, having a single source of truth for performance data is invaluable. This shared platform fosters a sense of transparency and collective responsibility, where every team member can see how their efforts contribute to the broader objectives. It also simplifies the performance review process, providing clear, data-driven insights into how well we meet our goals and where improvements are needed.
From a CEO’s perspective, implementing Demand Calendar is a strategic move towards building a more efficient, productive, data-driven commercial team. Demand Calendar enhances our operational efficiency by automating manual processes, providing actionable insights, and offering a unified platform for performance tracking. It aligns our team more closely with our hotel’s strategic vision. This alignment is critical in driving our hotel’s success in an increasingly competitive industry.

Overcoming Resistance to Change - A CEO’s Guide to Transforming Commercial Teams

In my experience leading organizational transformations, one of the most persistent hurdles is resistance to change. This resistance is particularly pronounced when transitioning from siloed departments to integrated commercial teams. As CEOs, we are crucial in navigating these challenges and spearheading change to foster more productive and satisfied teams.

Understanding the Resistance

The first step in overcoming resistance is understanding its root causes. Employees often resist change due to fear of the unknown, potential loss of job security, or comfort with the status quo. In integrating commercial teams, concerns may arise over new dynamics, altered roles, and the need to adapt to new technologies like Demand Calendar.

Strategies for Managing Change

Communicate the Vision Clearly: As leaders, we must articulate a compelling vision for the change. It's essential to explain the 'what' and the 'how,' and, importantly, the 'why.' Employees must understand how this change aligns with the organization's broader goals and how it will benefit them individually.
Accelerating Change for Enhanced Productivity and Satisfaction
To accelerate the change process and maximize productivity, we can adopt several proactive strategies:
  • Quick Wins: Identify and implement changes that can yield immediate results. Quick wins build momentum and demonstrate the tangible benefits of the new approach.
  • Feedback Loops: Establish regular feedback mechanisms to listen to concerns and suggestions. This ongoing dialogue helps make necessary adjustments and reinforces that employee input is valued.
  • Empowering Leaders: Empower mid-level managers and team leaders to be change champions. Their proximity to the teams makes them pivotal in facilitating the transition.
  • Consistent Messaging: Ensure all communication regarding the change is consistent and clear, reinforcing the overall vision. Mixed messages can lead to confusion and skepticism.
  • Monitor and Adjust: Continuously monitor the progress and impact of the change. Be prepared to adjust strategies as needed to ensure the transition is on track.
In conclusion, as CEOs, our role in managing and accelerating change extends beyond mere directives; it involves inspiring, engaging, and empowering our teams. By adopting these strategies, we can overcome resistance and create a more dynamic, cohesive, and productive commercial team, ultimately leading to a happier and more successful organization.

Conclusion and Key Takeaways

As we conclude this exploration into the transformation of commercial teams within the hotel industry, it’s clear that the potential for enhancing hotel performance through integration is immense. The journey from siloed departments to cohesive, integrated commercial teams represents a structural shift and a fundamental change in how hotels operate, strategize, and succeed.

The Power of Integrated Commercial Teams

Integrating sales, marketing, and revenue management into a unified commercial team can unlock unprecedented efficiency, productivity, and revenue growth. By aligning goals, pooling expertise, and fostering a collaborative environment, hotels can respond more agilely to market changes, capitalize on emerging opportunities, and create a more fulfilling workplace for their employees.

Crucial Role of Tools Like Demand Calendar

In facilitating this transition, the role of specialized tools like Demand Calendar cannot be overstated. These linchpins offer the necessary infrastructure for seamless communication, data analysis, and strategy implementation. By leveraging such tools, hotels can ensure that their commercial teams are working together and doing so in the most effective and informed manner possible.

Start the journey now

The journey towards a fully integrated commercial team is both challenging and rewarding. It demands a rethinking of traditional structures, a commitment to continuous improvement, and an openness to adopting new technologies. As we have seen, tools like Demand Calendar play a critical role in this transformation, providing the necessary support and insights for teams to function cohesively and effectively.
I urge my fellow hotel industry leaders to consider this transition's immense benefits. Integrating your commercial teams, supported by the right tools, is not just a step towards greater efficiency; it’s a leap towards securing your hotel’s future in an increasingly competitive and dynamic market.
Let us embrace this change, not just as a necessary evolution but as an exciting opportunity to redefine what our hotels can achieve. The future of hotel management is integrated, collaborative, and data-driven, and the time to start this journey is now.